Wiring and Electrical

Ford F150 underdash wiring

Intermittent Electrical Problems

Your electrical system is one of the most important yet overlooked parts of your vehicle. For most people, it’s out of sight and out of mind. Turn signals or nonfunctional gauges may indicate deeper electrical problems. We'll diagnose your car's entire system to make it work — and safe.

Ford F150 underdash wiring

Repair or Rewire?

We will troubleshoot and diagnose any electrical issue. A complete rewire is sometimes the best solution. The wiring in most classic cars is old, brittle and beyond its usable life - a complete re-wire takes care of all of the issues at once - instead of circuits failing one at a time and leaving you stranded, tow, repair - then do it all again.

How Driven Does It Right

Tips from the Pros
Ron Francis Wiring fusebox

After years under cars, we've honed the best installation matched with the right parts to do the job right

Tight and Neat

We keep the wires as hidden as possible. Not only does this give a clean finish without wires crisscrossing the engine, it protects the wires from heat and moving components. All connections are crimped, and shrink tubed to provide years of trouble-free service.

70 Mustang green lights

What's the cost for a complete re-wire?

Each job will be estimated individually, but here are some guidelines to help you budget

Replacing a wiring harness requires removing the old one first. Accessing the wiring involves removing panels, seats, carpet, parts of the engine, light assemblies etc.

Even new kits are never truly "plug and play". Modifications and customizations are always required to get your electrical system back in order.

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$400 - $800

for the parts

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$3,900 - $4,900

(20-25 hours) for installation and looming up the harness


Totally - but once we see it in person we may have to go deeper.


Sure - but just like when you go to the doctor - we need to diagnose the root cause of the problem. Is it the switch? Is it the wiring? Is it the turn signal or “Combination” switch? Until the doctor can test - we don’t know.


Could be other issues - like a bad alternator or voltage regulator causing a drain on the battery. Many failed components can cause issues - and we need to find the source of the drain.