
67 Dart Vader three quarters front left graffiti

Driven Garage was born out of a passion for classic cars.

Shops with the knowledge and expertise for classic and specialty cars are a dying breed - but we’re here to stay. We know muscle cars and classics. We know how to repair, upgrade and improve these machines - it’s at our core - and it’s all we do. We respect the history of the automobile while looking for ways to blend technology and safety into our work.

Our mission is to respect the customer, respect the machine, and do good work at a fair price. We won’t sell you services you don’t need. We won’t apply inflated markups to parts. We won’t milk the clock on your dime… We want customers for life – and we want them to tell everyone about us.

Submit a request for work today – you’ll see the difference immediately.

Meet the Team

The Dynamic Duo

Geoff grew up in suburban Detroit - spending weekends and summers at his fathers body shop. Cars are in his blood and he earned money at the shop sweeping floors, cleaning up and by age 12 was painting cars. Always a creative force - Geoff chose to attend a prestigious art University instead of taking over the shop from pops. A career as a graphic designer / art director blossomed and Geoff moved to California in 1998.

Cars kept calling him and he always had one or two project cars in the works while working in Advertising and Marketing. Eventually, after the urging of friends and family - Geoff turned his hobby into a career move and traded boardroom meetings into a toolbox in a shop. Success came early with several of Geoff’s full builds under the Alloy Motors brand being featured in magazines, books and media. The shop was growing fast and getting noticed.

Geoff - Founder
Deb - Bosslady

Enter Deb - Bosslady

Deb grew up in Detroit as well - and met Geoff while he was working in advertising. Years passed after meeting and they became a couple. Deb was running a successful salon in San Francisco while working on Commercial sets doing hair and make-up for ad work, as well as rock stars. She’s a firecracker and an entrepreneur who knows how to rally a team - make things happen, and keep people happy.

Deb came in to help Geoff grow the business and help manage the people, finances and growth - and Driven Garage was born. Deb wears many hats here and keeps everything running smooth.

It takes a complete team to repair, upgrade and build cars. We currently employ 8+ skilled technicians as well as several support staff to keep everything running smooth and work getting done. We’re always looking to grow our team to keep up with demand.